
Finding the source of river Cetina – Croatia


Today we went on trip to find the source of River Cetina, which is between Sinj and Knin just below the Dinara Mountains, from it source 385 m above sea level, the river flows into the 15 km long lake Peruca, from here it decent over the next 80 km until it flows into the Adriatic sea in the city of Omis. On the descending part of the river there is 5 electric water plants.

If you are on holiday in the Area you could try to go rafting on River cetina, from Omis their are several companies arrange this.

Anyway .. here some of the picture we took today on this lovely day trip.

Lake Peruca

What we saw on the Village road to Cetina:

and HERE is what we where looking for (-:

and the SPOOKY one!! what is the white stuff on the picture

Here you can see Rest of the picture from the lovely Cetina
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