
Shopping Porec


On the map below you can find location of the larger supermarkets in Porec, as you can see majority of the supermarket are placed in the suburbs of Porec, but as the city is not that big, you can reach most of them by foot, even if you are staying at the old town.

Most supermarkets are open from 8 am to 9 pm during summer month, in July and August some might even be open till 10 or 11 pm.

The largest supermarkets are the Konzum at the Ulica Mate Vlašića (The Street with most of the supermarkets), Kaufland and Mercator. These supermarkets have the largest non food product section.

What is the cheapest supermarket in Porec? Well that depends on what you are shopping, from my experience I would recommendation LIDL.

At the green market (see map) you can buy fresh fruits and vegetables (Some might even by locally produced) as well as other domestic products like olive oil, Rakija and honey.

Shopping in the Old town:

In the old town you mainly find the following 3 types of shops, souvenir shops, jewelleries and shoe shops.

If you are looking do real “shopping” of clothes, shoes etc in you would have to go to Pula or even better to Rijeka or Trieste, where you can find most of the larger international brands.

Shopping Map Porec:

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