About us
Hi Welcome to our Blog
We are Danish expat family who has been living in Split Croatia since the beginning of 2004, where we decided to start a green field company down here. Prior to Croatia, we had been living 9 ½ in German, so we where already used to being “Strangers”, which of course made everything easier.
At the beginning of our Croatia adventure, we decide that my wife and the kids should move to Denmark, where the family is living, I should then set up the company and try to get it running. So for 18 month I was living partly 14 days here and 14 days back in Denmark, this was of course a tough time, so in October 2005 we decided to move our family base down here.
A week after we arrived Caroline and Ida, which at that time where 5 and 2 years old, started in the local kindergarten, the first month was horrible everyday the kids where crying when we brought them to the kindergarten, so we really had some serious doubt about staying here, luckily that was not necessary, almost immediately after we returned from our Christmas holiday in Denmark, the kids started speaking Croatian, so the crying in the morning was replaced by smiles from two happy kids looking forward t
Table of Contents
Croatian Public School
In 2007 we reach another milestone which required evaluation of our situation, Caroline had reached the age where she had to start in school, so we of course was considering if we should move back so she could start in the school in Denmark, but after asking around about the school system and talking with the teacher in the kindergarten, who said that Caroline’s Croatian, was good enough for here to start on a local school, we decided to try it out.
The first 3 year of school both Caroline and Ida attended a whole day program , meaning going to school from 8am to 4pm, they absolutely loved it, they have great teachers, and a bunch of nice classmates. From 4th to 6 grade, school was also great, at home they had some really nice private tutors helping them with the homework once or twice a week. The last two year (7-8) grade was more problematic, as the teachers at these grades were less interested in helping the students, which was tricky as the workload increased constantly, so they actually both started disliking school a bit.
High School
Do to the issues of the last years of public school, we decided to put the girls in a private high school called Dominis, which turned out just perfect, both girls started loving going to school and really started to love learning again, at Dominis they have some great teachers, and they pay attending to individual learning needs of the students, so here the kids really can learn something if they want.
Finding apartment or house our experience
All the years we have been living in rented apartments, the first years we had some bad experiences with greedy and extremely greedy landlords, but the third apartment and landlord was a perfect match, so we have stayed there since. Meanwhile we also have our own house which we rent out to tourist (Like most people in Dalmatia do )
If you are new to Split, or any other tourist city in Croatia, and need to find a place to live you should know / do the following.
- Lots of apartments in tourist areas are rented out to tourists during summer, so make sure you don’t end up in a flat where you are thrown out around the 1st of June.
- The best places to look for apartment for rent (Or sale) is the website Njuskalo another great source is on FB, where there are many groups with rentals from privates, all are on Croatian, so you might need some help to find the best once, for the city you plan to stay in.
- Once you find a place you like, make sure to check the parking options. Once you need to sign a contract, you might want to involve a lawyer if the landlord agrees!
If you are looking to buy a flat or a house, you should definitely get professional help (a recommended lawyer preferably), watch out with real estate agents, many would not necessarily act in your best interest. Also make sure to get everything on paper / in a contract, and signed by a Notary public!
Dealing with Public administration
Depending on where you originally come from, you might find the Bureaucracy in Croatia a bit annoying and time consuming, but trust me compared to how it was when i arrived, nowadays it’s almost a walk in the park . Here is a list of some of the paperwork you might have to deal with.
- Staying permit
- Working permit
- Health insurance (Public)
- Car registration
- Insurance
- Visa
Please note we can not assist or advise you on exactly how to fix the paperwork, as we had external help fixing all the stuff!
Making a living in Croatia
We often get contacted by people considering moving to Croatia, their main concern or question they wish to have answered is related to work. I usually reply them the following:
Finding a job here is not easy, as the unemployment is quite high, the exception if you have particular skills, e.g. if you work with IT finding a job should be possible. The best option is if you can live here and work remotely for your employer at home.
We have been self employed all the year living here, that has been one big roller coaster, for many years we could hardly earn enough to put butter on the bread, but meanwhile we have an IT company with about 20 employees our main product we developed is a platform for bus tickets and we are currently also working on making a platform for ferry tickets, additionally as we mentioned above we also have a house we rent out to tourist during the summer season.
Our take on living in Croatia
So although it has been challenging to move down here, we can only say that everything has worked out perfectly for us, we really love the lifestyle here, the long summer, but most of all we love that we here have to possibility to spend lots of time on travelling and exploring, if you browse around on our blog you will know what I mean.
If you have any general question about Croatia and living in Croatia feel free to leave a comment here on our website or contact us on info(at)solitum.hr
Thanks for your support, and happy greetings from Split
Ida, Caroline, Lene and Morten
Hi there,
I was wondering wheather you can be of assistance. We are planning on going to Croatia on September 18 and staying for 2 weeks. This will be our very first time. We would like to see Plitvice lakes, Split, Dubrovnik, Hvar and Brac. I have a couple of questions:
1) We are planning to rent a car. Should we book in advance or book at the Zagreb airport upon arrival? Will we need it the whole time? We are planning to fly back home from Zagreb.
2) We would like to rent an appartment. Is there a city that we can stay at where we are in the center of it all? If not, how long should we stay in each location?
3) How do we get to the islands? Can we bring the car rental with us on the ferry and explore the island by car? Or to save $, not bring it at all?
4) Do we stay on the islands overnight or we can simply do a day trip?
We are on a budget, so any tips you have, or know of any great deals would be greatly appreciated! We love exploring beautiful beaches, nature and architecture. We don’t wanna rush in seeing everything, so if we need to spend more days in certain places, we will.
Thank you!
Hi Joanna,
If you rent a car in Zagreb, you could visit Plitvice lakes on the way to Split, depending one when you land you could consider staying one night at Plitvice. You can then keep the car and make a day trip to Dubrovnik one of the first days. Once you have seen Dubrovnik you can return the car.
Other options is that you go with bus or fly from Zagreb to Split, Split could then be your base for most of the holiday, from here you can visit most of the islands, With out car, as that is quite expensive. You can visit, Brac, Hvar Island as a daytrip. For the last days of your holiday, you could then rent a car, take a daytrip to Dubrovnik and travel to Zagreb via a Plitvice lakes. In Zagreb airport you then return the car.
Note: in September car rental is quite affordal, so you might consider keeping the car all 14 days, then you also have option to See Zadar, Sibenik and National park Krka.
Hope that gives you an idea of what to do.
best, Morten
First, congratulations for choosing Croatia for your home and I wish all the best in future also.
I am representing a new tourist site, which promote the original, authentic tourist places and products in Croatia. One of ours target markets is a Denmark. So,we would like to offer you cooperation and also we would be really grateful if you can suggest us some Denmark agencies which book those king of tourism.
hi !
I would like to know if its easy for a foreigner to rent a flat in Split, with the help of a real estate agency (i’m planning to stay in split from august 2014 to march 2015, 8 months)
Thank you !!
Hi Hugo,
i don’t know how easy it is, but it is for sure be possible. August can be a bit tricky as this is main season for day to day rental, so the availibility of long term rentals can by limit, Anyway a real estate agency, should be able to give you a more precice answer.
brgds, Morten
Thank you so much !
I have another question. Is it harder for a foreigner to rent a flat in Split, or if most of the owners accept to rent their flats to foreigners (im staying for studying) ?
Your welcome Hugo,
i don’t think it is harder, owners are used to foreingers here in Split. Just make sure that the price tag is resonable, so landlords might try to charge a bit extra, you being a foreinger.
Best, Morten
Hello Morten,
Very user friendly site and you are great writer/observer/adviser etc.. what Ive read from few comments..
great site and great that Ive found you
Please can you advice me where to spend my holiday – aprox 10th june till 1st july, around 20 nights..
We are family of 3 – me, my husband Darko and our little daughter Masha (20 months old) very cute
I wish for smaller place, lets say.. I want to rest, no noisy places, not too much people.. to swim for the first time with my baby, have nice walks in the evening, not to much expensive place.. dreamy holiday
What place have a nice beach with pines shade + less people, quite place..
I wish for private accommodation, apartment not a hotel or hostel.
Since you have family also I hope you understand my wishes..
Thank you very much upfront for your recommendation and reply!
I have private accommodation agency in Belgrade, Serbia if you need any advice for Belgrade and private apartments you can ask advice from me
Hi Nena, If i where you i would pick Omis, or one of the smaller towns just south of Omis, like Nemira, Stanice or Pisak
PS: Belgrade is very nice, i have been there several times.
Best, Morten
Hi! My husband maybe getting a job in Split. We are Canadian Expats that have lived abroad in Asia for over 6 years. Love our lifestyle and the adventures we find traveling. We have an 8 year old son who is homeschooled due the minor learning disabilities. I would continue homeschooling but I need to know there are children’s programs like football or music classes that he could join where they would teach the kids in English. I wish I could say he could pick up the local language but it is not lack of effort but lack of ablity. He his super friendly and social he just can’t pick up 2nd languages well at all so we have to find English language activities. Are there any? If so can you point me in the right direction. It’s important to our family that he has optortunites to make friends. Thanks in advance.
Dear Morten,
I have just found your website, which is fantastic! We will travel to Tucepi next week with a group of 10 adults and 2 children and would also like to spend a day in Sumartin, Selca and Povlja. I read the information about your trip to Povlja – could you please let me know who was your driver or advise whom I can contact to take us to the places you visited like the stonemason, Teta Fany and the farm?
Thank you very much in advance and kind regards from Germany,
Hi Natalie
You should contact Irena, who is the director of the local turistboard, you can write to here on this e-mail tzoselca@st.t-com.hr. Just say hello to here from me, and aks here if you can arrange some of the similar stuff she arranged for me and my family.
brgds, Morten
Hej Morten.
Fin side
Jeg er i Split og vil gerne lave nogle modeserier til et online modemagasin (jeg er fotograf).
Jeg gjorde det sidste år i Porec, hvilket var rigtig sjovt, da jeg fandt en lokal butiksejer med designertøj. Hans kone havde tilfældigvis en butik, hvor de lavede venetianske masker for salg i Venedig. Og jeg lånte en model fra et bureau i Zargreb. Så det blev til flere billedserier.
Jeg vil høre om du ligger inde med et par tip til hvordan jeg kommer i kontakt med f.eks. “unge” modedesignere, stylister, make-up artister, smarte tøjbutikker i Split, eller Trogir. Hvis det ikke lige er dine spidskompetencer kan det måske være at de kvindelige medlemmer af din familie måske ved noget. f.eks. hvor der er gode designbutikker
Mvh. Michael
Hej Michael
der må jeg nok melde pas udover en enkelt modedesigner i Trogir, kender jeg ikke ret meget til det område.
Hi there!
I will be moving to Split the beginning of September with my son who will just have turned one. Do you have a list of childcare/daycare/kindergartens? I will probably have an au pair/nanny the first 6 months-a year but would like to put him in school or care thereon after. Thanks!
Hello Heidi
the kindergarten where my daugters went also had a daycare, for children from 1 year, so there should be several options in that direction, i do not have any list of places.
brgds, Morten
Hi Morten,
Thankfully I have found your site which is great. I have a few questions regarding my husband & myself travelling to Croatia. Firstly we are both in our early 50’s and our plan at this stage to travel through Croatia next July. Our draft agenda is to hire a car from Zagreb then an overnight stay at Plitvice Lakes before going to Split for 2 nights (via Zadar & Trogir). We will drop the car off on day one at Split. We then were going to get a ferry to Hvar for 2 nights then onto Korcula for 2 nights then to Dubrovnik for 3 or 4 nights (still deciding on day trip to Montenegro). We will then fly out of Dubrovnik to Athens. Do you think this itinerary is suitable or do you have any suggestions on where we could improve our holiday through Croatia. I am also not sure of the best areas to stay in. Thanks for your assistance. Romel
HI Romel, i think your itinerary is great, pretty much a match to what i would suggest for a roundtrip starting in Zagreb and ending in Dubronik.
You could maybe take one day less in Dubrovnik, and therefore stay on day in Zadar, and next day then visit NP Krka on the way to Trogir and Split
Brgds, Morten
i am coming to croatia in september and will be spending a couple of days in plitvice national park. My question is about footwear!!! i read some sight saying it is all paved and pathways which you have to follow and leads me to think that walking sandals or trainers will be ok
but then i read sights saying there are many types of snakes there so would it be advisable to wear walking sandals???
if you can advise me from experience that would be great – i just dont want to carry heavy walking boots for two weeks when i dont really need them!!!! the rest of time we are going to be in towns and then to bol on brac
thank you so much for your time and this brilliant site!!
Hi Angela
from my experince the pathways are best to overcome in trainers, you dont need walkin boots. There is Snakes I personally never say one there, and if you stick to the pathways i think it is very unlikely that you will so i would not worry about that part.
Brgds, Morten
Morten thank you for your services and sharing the wealth of knowledge you posses. This web-site has helped tremendously. I was just wondering which travel books should i refer to on my trip DK witness or lonely planet? I fancy myself as a traveler not a tourist so i prefer to see how the locals live and eat,while still doing the typical tourist photo taking of scenic views and taking in the history of the places i visit. Any must sees or do’s while im in Croatia?(spending 4days in split and half day in pula before flying out)
My GF loves seafood and especially osyters any recommendations for split?
Cheers and keep up the good work!
Sorry i know my question isn’t travel related
Hi Jimmy
with the travel books I am not sure, Lonely planet used to be really good, but i havn´t seen the latest versions. In Side the Diocletian palace are there are 2 or 3 never restaurants which serves oysters, but muss confess did not have time to try them out yet. Ask when you are here or take a stroll in the old town are and you will find them
Best, Morten
Hi Morten,
We are spending our holiday in Montenegro and will leave this Saturday, travelling up to Vienna.
As we are with two small kids (aged 4 and almost 3) keep moving and speed would not only be an option for us.
Can you recommend periods during Saturday when to avoid traffic jams at croatian motorway toll gates? (Or when to start at Split?)
Plan to take motorway from Split via Zagrab, towards Maribor.
Thank you in advance!
Besst wishes,
Ved du om der er en international skole i Split eller omegn?
Vh. Jakob Nielsen
Hej Jakob
Jeg er ikke 100% sikker, men mener at kunne huske at der aabnede en for et par aar siden
Hello Marten, hi Jakob,
my Danish is not existing but I think Jakob asked about an international school in Split. And if I understood correctly you Marten think there is one. I am also looking for an international school in Split for our 7-year-old son. The only international school in Split I can find, is the French school, but the little guy only speaks English, German, Turkish and some Chinese, so both Croatian and French may be a little too much right now.
Did one of you find out more about international schools in Split?
Many greetings from Shanghai!
good morning / Dobro Jutro
i currently live in the middle east and married to a Croatian woman . i have been surfing the web for work opportunities in Croatia as i had enough of the life here . as an expat in Croatia what would you recommend or suggest ? i am fluent in both Arabic and English and hold two degrees . you’re suggestions would be highly appreciated , hope to have a reply soon .
thank you and have a great day .
Hello Morten,
My family and I are thinking of moving to Croatia. We want to be closer to split, where my father was born. Although I speak Croatian, my husband does not (he’s Polish), and neither do our 3 children, who are 8, 6 and 3 years old. although I am not too worried about my youngest, I am concerned about school for the 2 older kids. I cannot find reliable information on the Internet in regards to schooling for non-croatian children. Would you happen to have any? I thank you so very much for anything you can send us!
Marijana (Montreal, Canada)
Hi Marijana,
unfortunately i have no information about the schooling, my kids are already in the program for years, so I completely outdated on that subject
Hello! This is a wonderful story
I am a Croatian/Hungarian that was born in former Yugoslavia but grew up in the U.S. I lived in Germany for several years and have spent many summers in my grandparent’s 500 year old stone house in Kastela
I am now back in the states but my heart remains in Croatia…
It is mine and my husband’s dream to spend a year (or more, or forever!) in Croatia in my family’s home in about three to four years. Luckily, I will be able to apply for residency once my mother finishes her paperwork but I am curious if you have any feedback about employment in the Split area? While not perfect, I speak and write in Serbo-Croatian. How difficult is it to setup a business there? We are thinking to start something online which seems like it would be the best option. Curious what your thoughts are considering my situation. -Iris
Hi Iris,
I can say for sure regarding setting up the business, as last company i opened was quite a few years ago, but after what i have heard, it is much easier today. What you should check is weather you need to setup a d.o.o or if and Obrt is enough. Online business would be my Nr.1 recommendation, when you wish to start business here.
Brgds, Morten
I Google the Word Kindergarden in split, and then I start to read this blog:) er are a group from Norway, working in a Kindergarden. And we are going on a trip to split. We want to visitt som Kindergardens. And maby You can help me with a start? 
Hello Veronica,
well as my kids meanwhile are out of the Kindergarden age, i am really not in the loop with that subject, but here you can find a list of all the kindergardens in Split, maybe that can help you!
Brgds, Morten
Our daughter is 6 and going to 2th grade after summer, we are planning to move to Split next year or latest the year after. The only reason holding us back is that she will be too old to then go to a Croatian school. Are there intl schools in split or private schools where they use the English language?
Thanks for the info,
Hi Ronny,
I am not aware of a private school here in Split, which teach only on English, I could also not find any information about such a school on the internet. Sometime ago I heard that foreign students are entitled to some additional help with learning Croatian, but i don’t know any details about that.
There is a facebook group for expats in Split, you could maybe try to post the question there.
Brgds, Morten
Hi Morten,
I enjoyed reading your article and I’m happy things are working out for you and your family.
I have very specific needs I was hoping you could speak to.
I had been living in Paris for the past 15 years, but I developed hyperacousis which means that I’m ridiculously sensative to sounds. I had to leave France (the language is very agressive to my ears) and I came to Portugal where the language is soothing to my ears, and where the quality of life is much higher for someone of my low-income bracket.
While I have good things to say about Portugal, I know that Portugal is not a long term solution. There is a ridiculous number of dogs, which I love, but the noise that generates makes it very difficult for me, plus the Portuguese love to honk their horns. It’s a very strange thing for me to say, I know. But the difference in that regard between Lisbon and Paris is very apparent to me.
I’d like to live in a city with nice, calm people who speak a language that is soothing to my ears, with a low cost of living and good public transport.
So, what can you tell me about the noises of Split?
Thank you very much.
Hi Michaël,
well of course during the day there is a certain noise level in Split, as in any other city of similar size, but in generally i find i really quite here especially in the evening, at least that how it is in the neighborhood i live in.
Brgds, Morten
Thanks, Morten
Dear Morten!
first of all – that is a really great project you are doing about Croatia with a lot of interesting and useful information for travelers of all sorts. Congratulations with your success!
I had one practical question and I though may be you are familiar with the subject or you also had an experience. I am looking for a self storage in Split to store my things while I will be away from Croatia for few months, did you ever use or came across storage facilities? Your input will be greatly appreciated!
with kind regards,
Hi Ekaterina,
I was looking a few years ago, at that time there wasnt any, of course that might have changed but i doubt it.
Best, Morten
Hi Morten
How are you? What a helpful website you have. My partner Tom and I are getting married on Solta next Sept 2017.
We would like to enjoy a bit of live music during our wedding, perhaps an acoustic musician or two. Do you know how I might find anyone who could do this? Are there any regular musicians who play in any hotels or restaurants in Split or on Solta who you think we could try to contact? It’s proving difficult to research from London!
Any advice would be gratefully received.
Best wishes
Hi Nick
i really have no experience with hiring musicians here, so i am afraid i can’t help you with that question.
Hope you will manage somehow
Brgds, Morten
Hi Morten
Very nice website . Thank you. May be you can help me:
I will be in Split from june 25th to July 7h to improve my croatian langauage and I would like to ask you which kind of opportunity I could grab to attend a course in Split
Puno hvala
Srdačan pozdrav
(Rome, Italy)
Hi Morten
We’re hoping to visit Krka from Sibenik and i noted your alternative ways to get there section and mention of the boat from Sibenik harbour. however, when i search online i can’t find any providers for this. do you know of or would recommend any tour operators for this option? we’re visiting in August.
Hi James, the tours used to run the last years, but I can also not find anything online, so i would advise you to check when you are in Sibenik.
Hello Expat Euro Family, I’m an American single father of 2 boys (15,6) and have family in Pula. I’m actively planning a 2-3 year Istrian cultural immersion. I am wondering how to get my children into the local Croatian school systems. I am currently enrolled in a US homeschool program so I continue being teacher dad abroad but feel that it would be better for my boys to take as many local classes as possible. You are the only expats I’ve found who chose the local school system, Great Job Parents! Any direction you can offer to help me achieve my goal of cultural diversity and education is truly appreciated.
Hi Jason,
sorry for the late reply, (Has been a hectic summer). I am not sure what have changed since our kids started in the local school, but at the time all all we did was to have a talk with the principle of the school, and then filled in the paperwork he gave us.
Best, Morten
I am searching for a humidity controlled storage facility in Split, Croatia to store medical equipment in support of a clinical study. Does anyone know of one nearby Split University Hospital?
Hi Eugene,
I am afraid i can’t answer that question for sure, but my guess would be there aren’t any.
Hello! We are going to be in Split for a month in June. I was wondering if there is a play group / classes suitable for 1 year old? Since I don’t speak Croatian, I preffer English speaking ones if you know any. Thank you for your help in advance!
Hi Rie,
not sure if there is any official play groups, but there lots of foreigners here in Split, so I am sure there will be other having kids at the same age.
Hi, I am not sure whether you still keeping this active.
We are thinking to move to Split from UK. I was wondering if there is any international primary school. My son would be 5 years old just starting primary..
thank you
Hi Lucie,
I do not think there is any international primary school, but there is international college and high school.
Kindest regards,
Hi Morten and Fam,
My husband, myself and our 6 yo daughter are considering an experimental stay in Split during the Fall months. We, of course have concerns, primarily language barrier. My husband speaks fluent Portuguese, Spanish and Italian…great for him, right? Me, not so much lol. Did you find it difficult to navigate, doctors, schools, etc? Also, will we need a car for the time we are visiting?
Good for you and your family. I can appreciate the challenges of transitioning ones entire life!
Any info would be greatly appreciated. I also joined the expat FB groups… hopefully helpful.
With Gratitude,
Hi Margaret,
navigating public institutions without speaking Croatian can be complicated, but I am sure you will find someone in the Expat community who can help you with that part, or at least know some locals who would be willing to help. Regarding the car, i would say depends on where you are staying inside the Split city borders you can manage without a car.
Best regards,