Author: Morten Smalby

Count down for the U2 concerts in Zagreb has started in less than 40 days, 63.000 will be ready to welcome the Irish rock stars in Croatia. Do to time of year, a mixed crowed of people not only people from Croatia and the neighbouring countries will attend the concert, but also lots of tourist […]
In week 24 the 5th World Championship in Picigin was played at the Bacvice Beach in Split. Besides several teams from Split, teams from Italia, the Czech Republic and teams from other parts of Croatia, was competing in the world championship. This year the Picigin championship was not decided by the traditional point system, but […]
If you plan a holiday in Split, you may want to prepare yourself for the trip and collect all the useful information you can get. We wanted to make it easier for you so we have made a list of 20 things that could come in handy when travelling to the most beautiful city in […]
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