
“BIG GAME” – sport fishing


Europeans new destination of Big Game Fishing is Jezera. The village is located about 90 km north – west of Split on island Murter. Between May and November we go for Red Tuna, up to 400 kg, Swordfish, Thresher Shark, Amberjack, Albacore and Palamidas. The first fishing area is Kornati which takes about 30 minutes to reach.

After this island group we have open sea till Italy. On two day turns we are going fishing near an island which is 45 miles away and uninhabited. Out there we have 200 meters depth. At day light we fish  Tuna and night we fish Swordfish and Sharks. The weight of Swordfish comes up to 90 kg, Thresher Sharks come up to 150 kg and Blue Sharks are over 100 kg.

Boats are 28 – 35 feet long with high speed about 20 knots. The boats equipment is complete with radar, fish finder, deep – sensors and GPS. Also we have a fighting chair: Outriggers and  Downriggers, rods and two-speed rods from 30 – 130 lbs. The most time we practice drift – fishing on Tuna and Sharks.


App. prices for a full charter (ca. 8 hours; boats for 2-6 fishermen) – price 300 – 650 EU

Jezera have a lot of nice bays with crystal clear water and so it’s perfect for the family too.

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  1. hello
    me and my father Andrzej – we will be in CROATIA in ZAOSTROG between 27.08.2011 – 10.09.2011
    we want go on fishing -big game fishing –
    we are anglers, but we never try in ADRIATIC SEA

    we will be go by car to CROATIA – it is no problem that we will go to your harbour…
    but we will be only in two person, that I have a question:

    1. it is possible go with you on big game fishing between this date? /27.08. 10.09.2011/
    2. how much will be coast per person – 1 day fishing?
    3. what is it include in prices?
    4. what is possible to catch ?
    5. how long is this fishing day?

    please give my replay – on my e-mail
    best regards
    Adam & Andrzej form Poland

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