
Blue and Red lake Imotski


Last Sunday we went on a trip with our Australian friend to see the Nature phenomenon the Imotski lakes, which is a red and a blue sinkhole lake. Imotski is situated in the mountain land of Dalmatia close to the Bosnian border, a 100 km drive from Split. It took us around 1 hours and 15 minutes to get there.

Red lake Imotski

Both lakes has some impressive dimensions which actually makes them some of the largest sinkhole lakes in the world, the blue lake has cliffs sides up to 900 meters high, the red lake has almost vertical Cliff side which make it a bit scary for people like me with height problems to look down the whole.

Too the bottom of the blue lake there is a walking path, so you can actually walk all the way down, so in the summer the local people swim in the see. And special phenomenon whit the blue lake is that it actually dry out from time to time, when this happen the local people play soccer at the bottom of the lake.

Blue Lake Imotski

The red lake can only be seen from the small viewing platform next to the road. Numerous divers have tried to find the bottom of the red lake, until now the have only succeeded to determine that the red lake continues into a cave 280 meter below the surface. A funny thing about the red lake is that is almost impossible to throw a stone into the water, Shane and I tried numerous times with out any luck so if plan to make holiday in Croatia and are close to Imotski, maybe you should give a try (-:

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