Tag: Culture

Trogir, one of our favourite towns in Croatia, is located 27km north of Split. The town’s history goes back for more than 2000 years, as the Greeks founded a colony here in 3rd century BC. Thanks to its strategic geographical position between the mainland and the Island of Ciovo, Trogir was an important spot for […]
From the spicy sausages of Slavonia to the seafood from Dalmatia, Croatian food and Croatian cuisine are different from one region to another. For a small country such as Croatia, it is unusual to see such a rich culinary tradition, but geographical position and historical events have left an impact on the country’s cuisine and […]
With the usual Croatian summer heat comes an immense thirst, but not only for water and pleasures in the sea; one of the most popular refreshments is music. Every year we have more and more musical events around Croatia and with the ever growing number of festivals one of them is preparing for its 5th […]
– Pillow gifts – original Croatian hand made “licitar” hearts – Pillow gifts – original Croatian hand made silk products – Pillow gifts – embroideries from Konavle valley Croat’s heart T-shirt are 120 kuna and harts are around 30-40 kuna. – Pillow gifts – famous “Paska Cipka”, laceworks from the Pag island. The most vivid […]
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